Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Snap Happy!

Ever since my Mum bought me my little digital camera, it’s never far away from my side. I love taking photos, and you just never know when you will see something you would like to snap. I was coming home from work yesterday and spotted this little fella…

PICT0006Apparently these are quite common, but I have never seen one before, I asked him to pose for another photo, and he willingly obliged!

PICT0008Photo opportunities seemed to be in abundance yesterday, I managed to catch Bobby with a real cute smug look on his face, because he was sitting on the settee, as if he owned it!



Yes Bobby that’s very clever, but that’s MY settee not yours….( with that little face, he was allowed to stay there for a cuddle)!


Halfie said...

Close-ups. You can't beat them.

life afloat on nb tickety boo said...

Yes Halfie I know what you mean, Dandelions look a lot nicer close up, as does it's visitor!