Thursday, April 09, 2009

Early Birthday Present!

Its my Birthday soon [ well June is soon!] Its the BIG one, half century, 50! I can't believe I am that old! I still feel like I did when I was in my twenties but when I look in the mirror there's an old relative looking back at me! Anyway my early Birthday pressie is a Digital Camera! I am really pleased with it I have wanted one for ages. My Mum has bought it for me and let me have it early. So once I get my Daughters or Son to show me how to put photos on my blog there will be pictures to go with my posts! Thanks Mum!


Bottle said...

Hi Debbie

Go to the 'Blogger' front page:
and click on post a photo. ;-)

life afloat on nb tickety boo said...

Thankyou Bottle,I need all the help I can get!

Derek and Dot said...

Hi Debbie
Keep up the good work, try picasa to upload photos or live writer, both free downloads.
Look forward to the photos.
Take care Dot
Nb Gypsy Rover

life afloat on nb tickety boo said...

Thankyou Dot. I'm a bit slow getting sorted but very much appreciate your advice. Hope your having nice sunny weather as we are. Take care Debbie