It was my Mum's Birthday yesterday. I was in work so couldn't do much with her on her day. My Mum is a fan of my blog, ( someone has to be)! I think I may have given up writing one only for her encouraging me to carry on. My Mum is one in a million, drives me nut's at times, as I do her, but I would be well and truly lost without her. Always there when I need a hand, whether it be to give me a lift, or help out with finances. I would never have got through the troubled times in my life with out her. So the object of this post is to just let her know I love her lots and to say a HUGE thank you for all you do. Just in case you were wondering Mum,I am sober!! I will just add, this surely warrants one of your famous Minced Beef Pies?