Being in a relationship with somebody who really had no interest in the boat, amongst other things, really didn't help the situation!! My dream was to find somebody with my passion, who would have enjoyed working on her, to have a happy future together living afloat. I thought maybe I had, but sadly not, but you learn, you move on and put it all down to life experiences, it's tough, but time, good genuine caring friends and family are a huge help in making you realise you can be happy even when your dream is whipped away! That's exactly what it was...a dream that didn't come true. In hindsight, it wasn't just the boat situation that ended the was a realisation that we just didn't work for lots of reasons. We tried, we failed we move on! I am still living MY dream and it's lovely.
Well, the weather hasn't really helped, lots of rain and my back going two days in, really didn't help either. Walking like I had pooped my pants while trying to grind the rust off the boat was not too attractive, to say the least! Being introduced to a grinder with wire brush attachment has been a godsend! It quickly takes rust spots back to metal that can then be treated, filled and have undercoat applied ready for painting.
The last time I painted the boat I used Weather Sheild paint. To be fair to the paint, if I had prepped the boat properly the paint would have probably lasted, which it has in most places, but rust crept through in a lot of patches, so after advice, really good advice from a friend, I am using better paint this time. I will report back once the boat is finished!
I knew to transform Tickety Boo was going to be a big job...but I had no clue just how big!!
As I want to be more thorough this time it will take longer but will be so worth it!
The marina I am in has pontoons designated as working pontoons where you can moor while you work on your boat...I will be here a while!! Things are moving slowly but it is taking shape, not that you would notice to look at her! I have been moored next to Mark whilst working on the boat, he has been an absolute brick, lots of advice that quite frankly I would have been lost fact I would be lost without him full stop! We go back some years and I trust him implicitly. A friend who has is and always will be there for me, and me him. He has been so supportive even more so these past few months. He kicks ass and that's what I need. His enthusiasm for the boats and this lifestyle is also lovely and just what I need just now. He constantly makes me laugh and keeps me cheerful too!
To date, I have ground, sanded, treated rust, filled dints, undercoated roof and one side and managed to put the first top coat on half of one cabin side before it lashed down with rain! Rain has stopped play a lot this past two weeks, very frustrating but I have just resigned myself that T. Boo will be moored here for a while to get the job finished. There are other boats that have been here longer than expected due to the weather too so I don't feel I am the only frustrated painter!
And so it begins
My Poor roof!
First glimpse of nice new Teal colour, loving the way my kneel pad matches the undercoat!!
The whole experience up to now has been at times a bit overwhelming, but I am relaxing more about the whole situation. I am doing the work myself and I feel quite proud of that fact. The one thing that is keeping me going is when Tickety Boo is back to her former glory with her name back on, I can stand back and admire my work with the satisfaction that I got there! I can then enjoy the revamp on the inside, which will be so much more enjoyable. I have ideas for a new colour scheme and revamp! Next year a lot more travelling on her, haven't done much of that for a good while and I miss it. I will be so nice taking a newly painted smart boat out that I can be proud of and hopefully take a pride in once again.

This morning I woke to rain lashing down on the roof, a noise I never tire of, I love it! The weatherman has promised it will brighten up, so I am happy I will get some more sanding done later, and maybe more top coat. Every little helps, as a well known super market claims! I am sitting up in bed, tv on in the background nice cup of coffee, laptop on knee and two kitties curled up contently on the bed. I love my mornings like this, with the odd messages off friends doing much the same before their plans for the day start!
I am back to work Tuesday so it will be evenings and my three day weekends to get the job finished! It's nearly September!! Even writing that last sentence has shocked me as to how fast, yet again, this year has gone! Not really the best of years in a lot of ways, but 2018 hasn't been all bad. The revelation of just who I need in my life and just who I don't has given me the reassurance that I have a happy future to look forward to. I have had the strength to make decisions and stick to them, helped by friends and family who have proved to me their value in my life more than ever recently! To say they have restored my confidence is an understatement! No apologies for repeating that fact again!
Something else that has really boosted my dented confidence has been my nomination as regional merchandiser award at work!! I am going to a convention and a posh awards ceremony in September and I can't wait. All expenses paid, including an overnight stay in a hotel with designated car parking space...get me!! Even if I don't win, the taking part is something I am really looking forward to! Happy to have got this far if I am honest! I enjoy my job now, it's more interesting than it has been in a while due to the good team we have in store. If you have to work you might as well enjoy it!
Something totally unexpected that has shaken me to the core this year has been the total and utter fear that I was going to lose one of my dearest friends. Jan who I have known for many years and is a really close friend had two bleeds on the brain. She was admitted to the hospital and operated on all in a matter of days. She spoke to me on the phone days before her op, she sounded so unwell and I was terrified at the prospect of losing her. This devastating news coincided with an email I received which was soul destroying. It was hurtful and uncalled for and just confirmed to me I had made the right decision in ending the relationship. I could have quite easily slung mud because I was hurting too, but I chose not to, that fact allowed me to walk away with my head held high. Things I was accused of in that email were totally untrue and the writer knows that.... never will I address this matter again...
More importantly, Jan had her op and was in an induced coma for a while, nerve-wracking time for her family, her friends and ME! Once she was awake I went in to visit her...I cried all the way home, my lovely, funny vibrant Jan was like a small bewildered child, it broke my heart. However each time I have visited her since, I can see my old gorgeous friend coming back slowly, it's going to be a long haul but Jan has that fight in her I know she will get there. She has a fabulous family and friends who will kick ass and cheer her on every step of the way? What I have gone through this past few months has been put into perspective through Jans experience. Jan is precious to me, as my friend, confidant, the person I can talk to about anything and everything! The last time I visited, her improvement was great, she is still quite muddled but it did make us giggle, and she astounded me by getting out of bed and walking to the loo! Something we all take for granted but it made my day!
The rain has stopped, the sun is coming out so I am going to make a start, fingers crossed I get a good few hours in today, tomorrow is forecast rain again...oh hang on, it's just started raining again, but the sun is still out so promise of a rainbow. Gotta love the British weather!
I can't wait to get back to my own pontoon in the Marina but it's not all bad here, There is a family of King Fishers in the trees overhanging the water nearby, it's lovely watching them dart in and out catching fish!
I feel my, 'happy' coming back, I have a lot to be grateful for. Being sad is not one of my favourite pass times, being happy and content is far nicer!
I try to go through life not regretting anything, and I don't. All my life experiences have brought me to where I am now and quite honestly...I like where I am...well maybe happier when all the painting is done!